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Osnovna škola Trilj

 > Naslovnica

Etwinning projekt: "Well-being with Polka Dots" 2023./2024.

Autor: Administrator , 18. 1. 2024.

Učenici 1.a OŠ Trilj i učiteljica Ana Ćaleta uključili su se 2023./2024. godine u eTwinning projekt: "Well-being with Polka Dots".


Autorice projketa su učiteljice Branka Pastuović iz Republike Hrvatske i Ana Isabel Millan iz Španjolske. Partneri u projektu još su učenici prvog razreda i njihove učiteljice iz Grčke i Srbije.

Cilj projekta je umjetnost izrade točkanjem prema japanskoj slikarici Yayoi Kusama te stvoranje sigurng i zdravog okruženja za učenje, rast i društveni i emocionalni razvoj kroz umjetnost. Plan projekta sastoji se od glavnih aktivnosti na platformi ESEP koje će se razvijati tijekom čitave nastavne godine:

  • Welcome!
  • Let's meet!
  • Discovering Yayoi
  • Polka -dotted Christmas
  • Dissemination

Prva od zajedničkih aktivnosti projektnih partnera bila je izrada božićnog drvca točkanjem:



Autorice o projektu:

Dear Members,

We are thrilled to embark on this exciting journey together in the pursuit of well-being through the magical world of polka dots. In this unique project, we aim to weave the vibrant patterns of polka dots into the fabric of our learning and daily lives, creating a tapestry of joy, creativity, and positive energy.

As teachers, we are the guiding stars, illuminating the path of knowledge and inspiration. As we embrace the polka dots, let us also embrace the boundless possibilities they offer to ignite curiosity, foster creativity, and nurture the well-being of our students. Your dedication and passion will undoubtedly shape an environment where learning is not just educational but also a delightful adventure.

Our students are the heart and soul of this endeavor. Each polka dot represents a moment of discovery, a stroke of imagination, and a step towards a brighter, more colorful future. Embrace this challenge with open minds and open hearts. Let the polka dots be your companions in the pursuit of knowledge, well-being, and the joy of learning.

Together, let's create a community where every dot signifies not just a mark on paper but a symbol of growth, unity, and well-being. Your unique contributions will paint a canvas of positivity that extends beyond the classroom into the broader tapestry of life.

Welcome to "Well-being with Polka Dots" – where creativity meets well-being, and every dot tells a story!

Učenici 1.a s radošću i nestrpljenjem očekuju novu aktivnost kako bi uplovili u maštoviti svijet točaka te usporedili svoje radove s radovima učenika prvog razreda iz Hrvatske, Španjolske, Grčke i Srbije.


Ana Ćaleta










Svijet inovacija - EDIT – inovativan način podučavanja programerskim  vještinama





Matična škola i PŠ Košute

1. 8:00-8:45

2. 8:50-9:35

3. 9:40-10:25

VELIKI ODMOR 10:25-10:40

4. 10:45-11:30

5. 11:35-12:20

6. 12:25-13:10


PŠ Grab


1. 7:45-8:30

2. 8:35-9:20

3. 9:25-10:10

VELIKI ODMOR 10:10-10:25

4. 10:30-11:15

5. 11:20-12:05

6. 12:10-12:55


Vijesti iz škole
16.10.2024. 08:13
EUCodeWeek 14.-27. listopada 2024.
  Učenici 2.a OŠ Trilj u EUCodeweek sudjeluju s temom '' TAJNE PORUKE'' . Koriste kod za prijavu: cw24-WORrQ .

15.10.2024. 07:55

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